Employment Litigation

A specialized and tailored approach to litigation: find peace in the complex and evolving landscape of employment law.

Have You Received a Records Request, Demand Letter, or Claim from an Employee’s Attorney?

Lawsuits and threatened lawsuits by your current or former employees can easily take a business off track, damaging relationships, reputation, employee morale, and revenue along the way. A claim brought by an individual or small group of employees can feel very personal, and it often is.

Sometimes, these allegations are backed by evidence. In many cases, the claims are unfounded and can’t be adequately proven. It is easy for an employee to file a claim based on a grudge or the hope of a quick payout. Unfortunately, there are plenty of plaintiffs’ attorneys who are happy to file suits or an administrative charge against employers regardless of the merit of the case.

Find Peace With a Tailored Approach to Employment Litigation

At Medina McKelvey, our Employment Litigation Practice Group has specialized experience helping California business owners thoughtfully navigate the challenging legal issues of these often emotionally charged cases.

Early Intervention

Resolve issues before they become a major problem.

Expert Counsel

Understand all available legal strategies and their impact on you.

Special Insight

Our experienced attorneys get right to the heart of the matter.

Future Protection

Get insight and tools to reduce your risk of future litigation.

Personalized and Responsive

Work with an advocate who understands your business and culture.

Big Law Experience

All the structure, knowledge, and skill—none of the hassle.

“lawsuits are inevitable; claims happen. The most important thing is to figure out your strategy. Whether your objective is to keep the peace or fight against an unjust lawsuit, we are here to resolve the case in a way that produces the best outcome for your organization.”

Allison Hyatt
Partner and Leader of the Employment Litigation Practice Group

Your Path



Connect With Our Team

Schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys. We will ask questions and determine the best path forward.


Get to Resolution

Every step we take is designed to reach your goals and achieve the best outcome for your organization, whether it is positioning the case for early resolution or aggressively defending the case. We work with you to resolve your case efficiently and effectively.


Enjoy A New Sense of Peace and Purpose

Refocus on your organization and your team with a restored sense of peace and conviction.


Defense Representation for Employers

Employment-related claims occur in all industries, from finance to construction. We represent and defend employers in these lawsuits, getting them closer to resolution with every step we take. Get a dynamic partner who understands your business, keeps you informed, and utilizes a wealth of knowledge and experience to drive your case forward to completion.

Defense Representation for Managers and Other Individuals Named in Employment Litigation

Today, most suits filed by individual workers name not only a company but also a specific manager or supervisor, who is alleged to be at fault for harassment, retaliation, or some other form of wrongdoing. It may be best for the company being sued and the manager named as a co-defendant to have separate legal counsel.

This new trend has added a layer of complexity to obtaining appropriate representation to fully protect companies and their leadership teams. California law firms handling employment litigation matters can recommend Medina McKelvey as capable and experienced representation for managers and other individuals who are named as co-defendants.

Meet Your

Defense Expert


Partner, Leader of the Employment Litigation Practice Group

Contact our Employment

Litigation Practice Group

To speak with one of our Employment Litigation attorneys, please fill out the form on the right and a member of our team will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the most common questions we are asked about employment litigation.

Does Medina McKelvey work with insurance companies?

We do work with insurance companies, and we are familiar with their processes. Please get in touch with our team to learn more.

Do you accept referrals and/or work with other law firms to provide separate counsel?

Yes, absolutely. We work with other law firms to provide separate counsel. We are a smaller firm but many of our attorneys have worked at big law firms. We welcome referrals and we appreciate the opportunity to complement the work of our referrers.